Kai Neolani, Johnny Hunter – Nurse Johnny’s Anal Massage


Kai finally managed to see the nurse over his strained muscle. Since Kai doesn’t stretch much, he has stretched the inner muscle of his leg, and although it has healed and he is feeling better, the coach suggested to the clinic a follow-up so he could be released to the team. After the nurse did the initial intake and vitals exam, the nurse told Kia to lie down and the nurse took a heat sensing device and started rubbing it in the area that was causing Kai a problem. Kai was enjoying the massage, as you can see, Kai was getting an erection and the nurse noticed this and started rubbing Kai’s bulge which led to a big blow job by the nurse. Kai was really interested in the oral exam when the nurse switched and told Kai to suck his cock, which led to Kai leaning over and fucking him. The nurse actually gave Kai a great anal massage and it seemed to work after both the nurse and Kai burst into orgasm.

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